Tuesday, August 17, 2021

T shaped literacy

 Theme: Transport/Local Area

We are learning to evaluate and integrate ideas and information across a few texts   

Click on images below to view the texts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

about the science experiments

On Friday the 9th term 2 we did a experiment on tornadoes there were groups in my group was Tema Ricky juzaiah and ken we all worked in a group but sometimes we would fight even we would disagree  with one another but we would fix it and help each other.

on the first day of doing it our teacher explained what we had to do she told us that we had to get a big card board piece and glue pieces of paper on to the card board plat form. it took so long to glue it on but we finally finished when we did we had to make the labels the labels were results, research, question, equipment and method we had to white all the labels onto our chrome books then we had to tell our teacher to print it 
she printed them all out.

we had to cut them all out and glue them onto the card board then we had to do the exciting experiment
the thing we needed was salt, baking soda, washing power and big bottles 3x.

the first bottle was to put 1/3 cup of salt into the first bottle the second bottle was to but baking soda then the last bottle was washing power then..... SHAKE!!! yup we shook that up until all the consistency was mixed all up then we made tornado with it how to make a tornado all you have to do is to turn the bottle upside down and twist it like this here is some examples from some students.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

have you ever been in a tornado well i haven't but the people who have is the people that are the south Auckland as you know on the news there was one person that sadly passed away but two people were injured and taken to the hospital all though people were scared terrified and didn't know where to go.   

Thursday, June 10, 2021

This is my wits poster that we made but theirs a twist in steed of English i dd it in Samoan because of Samoan language week with the help of my Samoan teacher. so basically the wits poster is about your self like the first one is walk away and the second is ignore three rd is tell teacher and last is stop so yeah. its been a blast for this year. so have a good Samoan language....... by: Ashley ainea

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

steps for a earthquake

here is a post that we did in class this post is about the steps that you do in case a earthquake comes. there are three steps that you need to follow first step is to drop down second is to cover your head and last is to hold on! those are the steps you need to follow in case the earthquake.

here is a post that we did in class this post it about the steps you don't do in a earthquake first if there is one earthquake don't be scared and run around screaming second not go out side and last DON'T EVER STAY DOING NOTHING GET UP AND DO THE STEPS 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

 Have you ever seen a volcano erupt? Well On Monday kea was lucky enough to do an amazing science experiment that miss bound showed us. the ingredients was baking soda dish washing liquid food coloring and vinegar when miss finished she also told us what type of volcanoes like cinder cone, composite, lava,dome, shield my group did the shield in my group was Belinda SJ margaux asi yon and me the first step was to get a lot of sand and shape it into a volcano shape it took a lot of tries because there was a lot of cracks in it  we had to go get some water to fix it when we poured it into the volcano the volcano collapsed and we had an idea we got a lot of water and poured it into the volcano we got more sand and mixed it

We shaped it and made a whole at the top to put the small  cup in it then we went to go get more sand and put it into the box that we made the volcano in after we just had to shape it we told out teacher to come and check it out she said that she will come and bring the items she came with the ingredients she first put in baking soda then one full cup of vinegar food coloring and then dish washing liquid we mixed it and then poured it in the cup of the ingredients then we waiting……. OUT it went, the volcano exploded. We waited for what my teacher said she wanted to take a picture with us. We took a picture and had a little play with the volcano. We could not break it because the other kids wanted to play with it. We finished and went to go look at the other kids volcano .

We went to go look and my friends mele uhilas one we saw that she was just doing the shaping with her group in her group was henna lumi sarah tailta and aaliyah we wanted to help them so they could do the exploding part she said thanks for helping so we left to go watch other group doing the exploding part.

We finished and mall told us to come watch my other teacher we went to go watch my other teacher do the coca cola experiment we waited for the other kids to come and watch then he put the mentos in i thought that the coke bottle was going to go up but when he tried to close it it went all over him we all laughed and then we went back to class t learn more.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Monday, May 31, 2021

 Have you ever seen a volcano erupt? Well On monday kea was lucky enough to do an amazing science experiment that miss bound showed us. the ingredients was baking soda dishwashing liquid food colouring and vinegar when miss finished she also told us what type of volcanoes like cinder cone, composite, lava,dome, shield my group did the shield in my group was belinda sj margaux asi yon and me the first step was to get a lot of sand and shape it into a volcano shape it took a lot of tries because there was a lot of cracks in it  we had to go get some water to fix it when we poured it into the volcano the volcano collapsed and we had an idea we got a lot of water and poured it into the volcano we got more sand and mixed it

We shaped it and made a whole at the top to put the small  cup in it then we went to go get more sand and put it into the box that we made the volcano in after we just had to shape it we told out teacher to come and check it out she said that she will come and bring the items she came with the ingredients she first put in baking soda then one full cup of vinegar food coloring and then dish washing liquid we mixed it and then poured it in the cup of the ingredients then we waiting……. OUT it went, the volcano exploded. We waited for what my teacher said she wanted to take a picture with us. We took a picture and had a little play with the volcano. We could not break it because the other kids wanted to play with it. We finished and went to go look at the other kids volcano .

We went to go look and my friends mele uhilas one we saw that she was just doing the shaping with her group in her group was henna lumi sarah talita and aliyah we wanted to help them so they could do the exploding part she said thanks for helping so we left to go watch other group doing the exploding part.

We finished and mall told us to come watch my other teacher we went to go watch my other teacher do the coca cola experiment we waited for the other kids to come and watch then he put the mentos in i thought that the coke bottle was going to go up but when he tried to close it it went all over him we all laughed and then we went back to class to learn more. when we got to class we got out our writing books and wrote about the erupts i finished showed my teacher he said "well done" thank you i said then i went to go help people.

Monday, May 24, 2021


I'm going against because who would go in a cave that you
 haven't  been in and don't even know anything about it and what if you fall and get hurt who's going to help you....no one because what if no ones with you and what if you don't know your way out you might stay there for a whole year what if you don't have a sell phone to call 111 to help you get out of there and when you go sleep you don't know who is watching you?.....

I'm going against too because like who would have the mind to go in a dark cave that you just found out about  and have no information about it and don't know who's been in there or what is going to happen like what if start to walk and don't look where your going  and you fall over a rock and hurt yourself and what if your light goes out of battery and don't know where your going that's my reason's

here are me and hena's reason's you should not go caving

1. what if you don't know the way out
2. what if you get hurt
3.get suck in a whole
4. fall in a whole
5.OR break a leg and you don't have a phone to call 911 or 111
6.and get stuck in the mud and cant get out 
7.or even what if you slip and hit your head on a rock

Friday, April 16, 2021

market day groups

this is the to pie graphs that i did in class on shows half of  the groups and one shows all of them i want to know if you guys can finger if they are both right and here is the table with it showing how much profit and the total the groups made.
                                                                                            here is my notice i notice that the mother otai group made the most because it's mostly an islander drink and it a refreshing drink to drink in the hot days

and i also notice that the keas best slime did not sell out because the slime wasn't slime it was oobleck and plus it died your hand because the die was still on top of the slime'
hanging plants$299$299
sweet & sour$106$6
sweet dreams$118$87
sweet as$122$122
bonus masters$93$93
lolly lei$224$2
delightful goodies$91$91
raro fresh team$178
stress and rellief$98$85
keas best slime$43$29

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Friday, February 26, 2021