Tuesday, July 27, 2021

about the science experiments

On Friday the 9th term 2 we did a experiment on tornadoes there were groups in my group was Tema Ricky juzaiah and ken we all worked in a group but sometimes we would fight even we would disagree  with one another but we would fix it and help each other.

on the first day of doing it our teacher explained what we had to do she told us that we had to get a big card board piece and glue pieces of paper on to the card board plat form. it took so long to glue it on but we finally finished when we did we had to make the labels the labels were results, research, question, equipment and method we had to white all the labels onto our chrome books then we had to tell our teacher to print it 
she printed them all out.

we had to cut them all out and glue them onto the card board then we had to do the exciting experiment
the thing we needed was salt, baking soda, washing power and big bottles 3x.

the first bottle was to put 1/3 cup of salt into the first bottle the second bottle was to but baking soda then the last bottle was washing power then..... SHAKE!!! yup we shook that up until all the consistency was mixed all up then we made tornado with it how to make a tornado all you have to do is to turn the bottle upside down and twist it like this here is some examples from some students.

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